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Knut and Kari Gilbertson

Husband's Full Name:  Knut Gilbertson

Husband's Place of Birth:  Valdres, Norway

Husband's Father's Name: Gulbrand Gilbertson

Husband's Mother's Name: unknown

Husband's Siblings' Names: unknown

Wife's Full Name:  Kari Eriksdotter Rogne

Wife's Place of Birth:  Rogne 44/15, Skogen, ØS, Norway

Wife's Father's Name:  Erik Bendiksen Skogen

Wife's Mother's Name:  Marit Larsdotter Rudi

Wife's Siblings' Names:  Bendik, Lars, Erik, Halvor, Gina Onstad

Children's Names: George, Emil, Bernet, Clarence

Knut and Kari Gilbertson.jpg

Knut and Kari were both born in Norway.  The declaration of citizenship papers dated January 15, 1906 indicate that Knut was born in 1840 and immigrated to the port of New York in May 1882. When they reached America they first lived in Wood County, Wisconsin, near Marshfield. They later moved to Manfred, where her mother Marit Rogne, brother Bendik Rogne and sister Gina Onstad had settled. 


Knut and Kari purchased the Hotel Johnson from Nennie Johnson in 1908 and they had a very successful business. They joined the Vang Lutheran Church in 1911. Their home was located north of the Halvor Olsen home in the La Grand addition. 


Kari became ill with tuberculosis. They had a special porch built on their home so she could get lots of sunshine.   She passed away in 1911.  She was only 47 years old and still had young children. After she passed away, Knut went back to Norway and left his sons to be raised by their Aunt Gina Onstad and Uncle Bendik Rogne, Kari’s brother and sister. 


Their son George Gilbertson was known for his expertise in clock repair. In 1905, he opened Dr. Swanson’s Drug Store in Manfred.  He met Olga Peterson, who was working at the Hotel, and married her in about 1908. They later moved to Minneapolis, where he ran a jewelry store for years. They had six children and many grandchildren, so the Gilbertson line has continued, though the other siblings died while quite young.


Son Emil Gilbertson died when he was only 20 years old, Son Bernet Gilbertson attended trade school in Minneapolis, later contracted TB and died when he was 31, and son Clarence Gilbertson was killed in a farm accident when he was 12 years old.


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